Since 2016, the North Eastern Region of India is witnessing a change in political establishments. The new political leaders are making renewed efforts at building the economy with development investments. The states of the region are also actively taking part in India’s ongoing initiative to prepare a 15-year vision document for a period up to 2030. At the time of this change in leadership and large-scale visioning and policy review exercise, the current program of Vet Helpline India Pvt Ltd aims at promoting investment in the livestock and fishery sector ( including in the areas of food processing ) of North East India. The program will focus on the following activities:
- Networking with leading livestock and fishery sector-focused industry and farmer associations both within North East and across India.
- Collaboration for preparation of reports suggesting a road map for facilitating the private sector investment in the livestock and fishery sector within the region.
- Advocacy to ensure detailed discussion on the suggested road map and partnerships for its implementation.
- Partnership for organizing investors’ meet and technical workshops.
- Resource mobilization jointly with industry associations for implementation of projects that can facilitate private investment in livestock and fishery sector within the region, e.g., Projects to support the brand-building exercise of N E India-based producer companies, Cooperative societies, etc.
- Knowledge support and monitoring of private investments.
- Development of cluster maps and database of contacts/initiatives.
- Partnership with state animal husbandry / Fishery departments for building PPP plans and programs based on emerging areas of investments e.g., Cluster level business advisory and technology demonstration center
The current sponsor of the program for experience survey in Assam:
The executive summary of the final report of the experience survey: CLFMA_AssamReport_ExecutiveSummary
For the complete report, investors can write to us at
The expected outcome of the report _Presentation by Director, Vet Helpline India Pvt Ltd.
The report was submitted to honourable Chief Minister of Assam on 27th April 2017.

Report of experience survey presented to Honorable Chief Minister of Assam by Mr P Soundararajan, Chairman CLFMA of India and Managing Director of Suguna Holdings Pvt Ltd.
Vet Helpline India Pvt Ltd organized the following investment promotion program in January 2018 for the livestock and poultry sector. The program was organized under the aegis of the Assam Veterinary Roadmap development initiative of the Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary, Government of Assam.
Presentation of Vet Helpline India Pvt Ltd.
Title: The landscape of milk and meat-related food processing sector in N E India and Imperative for Development
Related investment opportunities indicated during Advantage Assam ( Global Investors Summit ) -2018: Click Here
Visit Here for investment ideas in the livestock sector of North East India
Click Here to download input ( October 2018 ) provided by Vet Helpline India Pvt Ltd under the program to the Government of Assam for the promotion of private investment in the livestock sector.
Click Here for a copy of the order of the Directorate of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary, Government of Assam, nominating a representative from Vet Helpline India Pvt Ltd to the steering committee related to the development of Integrated Livestock and Poultry Policy.
9th November 2019
Vet Helpline India Pvt Ltd Supported the Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary, Government of Assam, in conducting an Investors Summit on the sideline of the National Livestock and Poultry Show 2019. The highlight of the summit was the release of ‘The Policy For Private Investment Promotion in the Livestock Sector in Assam,’ which will be effective from 1st Jan 2020.
Click Here for a Copy of the Policy
The project also supported the Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary in conducting B2B and B2G programs on the sideline of the National Livestock and Poultry Show 2019.
Click Here to download the report of the B2B / B2G Meet
15th February 2023
Dr. M I Barbaruah of Vet Helpline India Pvt Ltd moderated a B2B / B2G meeting organized on the sideline of the Regional Livestock and Poultry Show 2023 on 15th Feb 2023.
Click Here to download the structured approach adopted for moderation
If you are investing in the livestock and fishery sector in any of the states in North East India:
If you are interested in supporting any component of the above program, write to us at:
Research scholars can send us details of their research work focusing on any problem related to North East India’s livestock and fishery sector, which may help investors to make informed investment decisions.
We also appeal to individuals and organizations to share with us links to credible feasibility studies and knowledge products useful for livestock and fishery sector investors.
Click Here for Press coverage of the initiative
The team members: