Vet Helpline India Pvt Ltd provided knowledge and institutional support to the All Assam Veterinary Field Assistant Association (AAVFAA) to organize a national technical seminar titled “Reorienting para-veterinary services” on 5th January 2019 at Amolapatty Natya Mandir, Nagaon, Assam, India.
The seminar was organized on the sidelines of the 27th Biennial general conference of the All Assam Veterinary Field Assistant Association ( AAVFAA ) held from 4-6th January 2019.
Download the agenda of the seminar
Besides leading resource persons from the Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary, Assam Agricultural University and NABARD, the seminar was also attended by Maj Gen ( Retd. ) Dr Shri Kant Sharma, President of the National Academy of Veterinary Sciences ( NAVS, India ) along with Maj Gen ( Retd ) Dr Madan Lal Sharma, Member Governing Body of NAVS, India.

Maj Gen ( Retd ) Shri Kant Sharma, President NAVS -India
Message of the President, NAVS

Maj Gen (Retd ) Shri Kant Sharma, President NAVS addresses the participants of national technical seminar on re-orienting para-veterinary services.
Mr Benson Ameda, President of Africa Veterinary Technicians Association ( AVTA ) who was invited as guest of honour of the biennial conference sent following message.

Mr Benson Ameda, President, AVTA
Dr Satender Arya, Chief Executive Officer of Agriculture Skill Council of India ( ASCI ), who has taken the initiative of promoting National Occupational Standard ( NOS ) for various category of veterinary para professionals in India sent following message to the participants of the seminar.

Dr Satender Arya, CEO, ASCI
Message from CEO, Agriculture Skill Council of India
The seminar was partially sponsored by NABARD.
Dr M Islam Barbaruah, of Vet Helpline India Pvt Ltd, coordinated a discussion on issues related to para veterinary services.
Download the presentation used to coordinate the discussion
A total of 125 para-veterinarians attended the technical seminar.

Maj Gen ( Retd ) Madan Lal Sharma of NAVS and Dr Miftahul Islam Barbaruah of Vet Helpline India Pvt Ltd interacts one to one with few participants from Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland.
Dr David Bordoloi and Dr Bidya Baruah acted as nodal officers of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department, Government of Assam and facilitated the documentation of discussions conducted during the seminar.
Assam Livestock Development Agency supported the program by providing logistic resources.
Earlier Dr Rabin Saikia, Joint Director and Dr Praveen Kumar, District Veterinary Officer of Nagoan District inaugurated the seminar.
Download the presentation prepared for the inauguration ceremony
The presentations of some of the resource persons can be downloaded from the following links:
Changing face of Para-veterinary services in India -roadmap for strengthening of services. Dr M I Barbaruah
Skilling and engaging para-veterinarians in animal disease control : Prof N N Barman, Assam Agricultural University
Responsibility of para-veterinarians in Public Health and Food safety context : Dr Paresh Sharma
Holistic animal breeding services: Expectations from field para-veterinarians : Dr Motiur Rahman, Assam Livestock Development Agency.
Para-veterinarian as facilitator of banking services for livestock farmers: Dr Pavan Kumar Maheshwari, NABARD
Organizing small farmers: Possible leadership journey for a para-veterinarian : Dr Hitesh Pathak , Veterinary Officer and facilitator of Kamdhenu DUSS, Nityananda