In recent years, the Government of India has renewed its XI plan focus of decentralized planning in Agriculture and each state has been entrusted with the huge responsibility of utilizing the earmarked funds through various planned investments (in project mode) as per its own plan and priorities. The government is also restructuring and rationalizing centrally sponsored schemes. Outcome budgeting concepts at the state level linked to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) have been introduced. Having a vision document and work plan based on local priorities with the SDG action plan is imperative for line departments within agriculture and allied sectors to augment and ensure the appropriate use of resources.
Veterinary services with the mandate of promoting animal health care, animal welfare, public health, and livestock production, play the crucial role of protection of health, improvement in nutrition and economic well-being of citizens.
With the above background, the Government of Assam have commissioned Vet Helpline India Pvt Ltd on 24th August 2017 to facilitate a participatory endeavor to review the present status (Where are we now?) and prepare a vision of the animal husbandry and veterinary sector in Assam (Where we want to be in the future?), essentially highlighting the ways or a roadmap (How do we get there?) for the Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary, Government of Assam in achieving the vision.
The project ended successfully on 4th Feb 2020 with the release of performance security by the Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary, Government of Assam. However, considering the need for constant advocacy to support the implementation of the roadmap, Vet Helpline India Pvt Ltd decided to continue sponsoring the project.
Download presentation highlighting the journey of the project ( As of March 2019 )
Visit page for photo glimpse of activities conducted
WhatsApp Group discussion:
To promote sharing of views and ideas, an expert moderated WhatsApp group was created which could attain membership of 176. The discussions conducted through the WhatsApp group were documented and analyzed for critical learning. The snapshot of WhatsApp group discussion was published separately and shared with the group at a periodic interval to encourage new participants to take part in the discussion.
Download report containing snapshots of discussions:
Submission of the draft report to the government

Presentation by Vet Helpline India Pvt Ltd during NLM sponsored state-level conference for rejuvenation of government livestock, fodder farms, and training facilities. 3rd August 2018
Download presentation : RejuvinationofFarmsandTrainingFacility_PPT_3rdAug18
( The above presentation introduces audiences about the road-map development initiative of A. H and Veterinary Department, Govt.of Assam and highlights the recommendation of a draft road-map document in the context of rejuvenation of government livestock/poultry farms and training related institutions. )

Presentation by Vet Helpline India Pvt Ltd during Seminar cum Bi-Annual Conference of the Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Department, Assam held on 28th August 2018
Download Presentation: PPT_VHI_BiannualConference_AHVetyAssam_28082018
( The above presentation titled “Proposed Vision, Mission, guiding principles and models of Veterinary Service Delivery” introduces audiences to the output and likely way forward of road-map development initiative of the Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary, Government of Assam initiated as per the annual plan of 2016-17. It highlights the proposed vision, mission of the department and elaborates on identified key issues in service delivery. As a solution the presentation discusses 5 ‘A’ and 7 ‘I’ guiding principles and highlights the models of veterinary service delivery as proposed in the draft road-map report.)

Presentation by Vet Helpline India Pvt Ltd during a sectoral development-related review meeting on livestock sector at SITA, Assam on 7th Sept 2018
Download presentation: PPT_SITA_VetRoadMap_7thSept2018
Prepared for a review meeting on sectoral development, the above presentation introduces senior officials of State Innovation and Transformation Aayog (SITA) – a policy think-tank of Government of Assam, to a proposed 7-point approach suggested to augment livestock production in Assam. The presentation was also accompanied by a poster show of stakeholder opinions collected by the Vet Road-map team from across the State.

Chief Minister of Assam reviewing Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sector, 27th Sept 2018.
The representative of Vet Helpline India Pvt Ltd had the opportunity to attend the above review meeting. Earlier to the meeting the project shared with the government its views titled ” What should we do differently?”
8th October’2018
Vet Road-map team leader made a presentation before Assam Milk Meat and Egg Mission Society (AMMEMS) officials on the topic “Baseline data collection and development of an indicator-based real-time monitoring system for AH and Veterinary Sector in Assam involving master livestock farmers”
9th October 2018
Vet Road-map team leader made a presentation titled “The imperative to ensure better price realization by dairy farmers in Assam during the state level seminar ” Sustainable Development Goals of Dairy Development, Assam & its role in doubling the income of Dairy farmers of Assam “ organized under the aegis of Dairy Development Department with support from ALDA, NLM, etc.
3rd December 2018

Formal submission of final vet roadmap report to Director, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary, Government of Assam.
Download Key Message of Final Report
For the complete report write to us at
27th December 2018
Participation in stakeholder workshop for revision on Assam State Action Plan for Climate Change.

The representative of the Vet Roadmap team attending the group activity session for revision of the Assam State Action Plan for Climate Change.
The stakeholder workshop was organized by the Department of Environment & Forest in collaboration with ACT – CCIP (Action on Climate Today (ACT) -Climate Change Innovation Programme). It was aimed at revising the existing sector-wise strategies of the Assam State Action Plan for Climate Change 2015-2020 (ASAPCC) so as to align them with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) agreed as per the Paris Agreement.
Click Here to download the excerpts of the Vet Roadmap report related to sustainable livestock farming and climate change:
5th Jan 2019

Dr. M Islam Barbaruah, Team Leader, receiving felicitation during the national technical seminar titled “Reorienting para-veterinary services” held on the occasion of the 27th Biennial Conference of All Assam Veterinary Field Assistant Association, 5th Jan 2019
Download excerpts of references related to para -veterinary services in Assam Vet Roadmap.
Download presentation on re-orienting para-veterinary services.
March 2019
Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary, Government of Assam published the new handbook incorporating the new vision, mission, guiding principle, strategic focus, mandate, and SDG Action plan suggested by the Vet Road map report. Click Here to download the excerpts of the handbook.
11th April 2019:
Dr. M I Barbaruah, Director, Vet Helpline India Pvt Ltd attended the 13th Governing Body meeting of Assam Livestock Development Agency ( ALDA ) as a special invitee.
Download submission of Vet Roadmap Project to ALDA
8th August 2019:
A meeting organized in continuation of the 13th Governing Body meeting of Assam Livestock Development Agency (ALDA), approved the proposal to invite Dr. M I Barbaruah, Director-Vet Helpline India Pvt Ltd as a member ( Co-opt ) of the Executive Committee of ALDA.
30th November 2019:
Dr. M I Barbaruah represented the Vet Roadmap team during the technical committee meeting on IT application in Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department.
Click Here to download excerpts of Vet Roadmap report highlighting the framework for integrated MIS
Click Here for a copy of the presentation.
24th to 26th February 2020
Dr. M I Barbaruah represents the Vet Roadmap team and Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department of Government of Assam during SDG Conclave 2020.
The opportunity will help us better articulate and improve SDG implementation strategies of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary sector in Assam.
Download SDG Action plan -2018 suggested by Vet Roadmap Project
Download Suggested functional division of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department in Assam vis a vis SDG
7th April 2020
COVID 19 related initiative:
Click Here Post COVID_19 disaster preparedness related suggestions for the Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary, Government of Assam
29th April, 3rd May, 11th May, 17th June 2020
Click Here for periodically released immediate action points for control of disease outbreak in Pigs in Assam
16th May 2020
Initiation of policy dialogue “Excise regulation of molasses— Safeguarding the interest of dairy farmers, cooperatives and local feed millers” Click Here
26th June 2020
Dr. Miftahul Islam Barbaruah, Team leader, Assam Vet Roadmap project is nominated as the member of the State-level committee on the information technology application within Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department, Government of Assam.
ClickHere for notification
30th July 2020
Release of note for immediate reference related to vaccination for control of Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) in Assam
5th August 2020
Dr. M I Barbaruah was nominated as a member of the authorized committee for standardization of training initiatives by the Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary, Government of Assam
Click Here for the Order copy
1st September 2020
The summary suggestion of the Assam Vet Road-map project related to Livestock and Livestock product marketing
The following note is published coinciding with legislative assembly discussion on Assam Agricultural Produce and Livestock Marketing (Promotion and Facilitation) bill 2020
17th Feb 2021
Winners don’t do different things; they do things differently.” -Shiv Khera. The release of our communication “what should we do differently for Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sector? for political parties in Assam preparing their manifestos.
Shared excerpts of the final report:
Sectoral strategy, programs, flagship projects, and action plans
Action areas for animal disease control and regulatory services
Published posters related to the synthesis of stakeholders opinion (SSO):
Factors Affecting Delivery of Veterinary Services in Assam
Factors Affecting Livestock Farmers’ Success in Assam
Gap Related to Veterinary Services in Assam
On Departmental Infrastructures
On Law and Enforcement of same.
On Livestock Product Marketing
Panchayat ( Local self government ) and Private Infrastructures
Team Members:
If you are interested in supporting the above endeavor with knowledge input, write to us at
You can also WhatsApp at: +919435911606
Research scholars can send abstracts of their research work related to Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sector development in Assam.
You can also join our Facebook page: