With a municipal area of 219.06 km² and a population of 9.57 lakh (2011), Guwahati is one of the fastest-growing cities in India. Under the ‘Smart City Mission,’ Ministry of Urban Development, the city is also a ‘Smart City.’ As…
With a municipal area of 219.06 km² and a population of 9.57 lakh (2011), Guwahati is one of the fastest-growing cities in India. Under the ‘Smart City Mission,’ Ministry of Urban Development, the city is also a ‘Smart City.’ As…
Antimicrobials in animals: The possible impacts on human health Drug use in veterinary practice may include therapeutic and non-therapeutic utilization. Therapeutic use includes; antimicrobials, ecto and endo parasiticides, endectocides, and the drugs acting on various systems. The non-therapeutic application includes…
The veterinarian, veterinary paraprofessionals, and animal owners have an essential role to play in confronting antimicrobial resistance. We are dedicating this webpage to articles of Indian authors related to this emerging issue. The page will also contain links to relevant…
Inter-departmental collaboration amongst the government line departments is essential for the convergence of development schemes. Convergence brings synergies between different government programs/schemes in terms of planning, process, and execution often leading to innovation. Collaboration in any form is directly related…
In India, veterinary service is a state subject, and state governments are the primary stakeholders for the implementation of central and state-funded programs related to animal disease control and delivery of last-mile veterinary services. As an additional investment, for the…