Compiled by experts at Vet Helpline India Pvt Ltd.
The livestock sector in North East India is showing promising potential for private investment. Following are some of the business ideas for interested entrepreneurs.
Value chain related enterprises:
- Poultry Parent farms (Commercial and Other poultry)
- Scientific Cattle Breeding farms (Calf to Heifer rearing)
- Scientific Pig breeding farms
- Scientific Goat breeding farms.
- Hatchery (Covering both commercial and for local chicken, duck, quail, turkey)
- Animal Feed and supplement manufacturing (including feed blocks )
- Certified fodder seed production and marketing.
- Commercial hydroponics and silage production unit.
- Veterinary Biological and diagnostic manufacturing units.
- Meat processing and further processing unit
- Hygienic livestock product retail outlet
- Local egg aggregation and value addition
- Private slaughterhouse (including small community slaughterhouse)
- Private carcass utilization plant
- Exclusive chicken and eggs food joints (including mobile joints, when aimed at the promotion of food items / culinary dishes using locally produced products)
- Exclusive milk parlours selling hot/cold milk, licuado etc. operating as a forward business unit of local dairy farms, cooperatives, local aggregation-based enterprise.

Feed Mill in Tezpur, Assam
Private Veterinary and Livestock Business Advisory service comprising of any of the following:
- Commercial disease diagnostic laboratories
- Genomics, commercial artificial insemination and assisted reproductive service
- Livestock data management and herd health services.
- Livestock sector linked private veterinary service, technology promotion and demonstration (including mobile units)
- Skill development/farm internship (incubation) centre with livestock-related courses.
- Animal housing and construction services (including bamboo-based technology use)
- Turnkey project management services.
- Entrepreneurial assistance/credit linkage and business development service.
Commercial farms
- Commercial layer farms
- Commercial broiler farms
- Commercial farms of other poultry species (including local/improved birds)
- Commercial cattle farms (either in a single location or multiple locations through franchisee or contract farms
- Commercial Finisher Pig farm (Single location or multiple locations – franchisee/contract arrangement
- Commercial Goat farm (Single location or multiple locations, through franchisee / Contract arrangements)
Dairy processing linked enterprises
- Milk processing plants with conventional products.
- Production and marketing of traditional milk-based products/sweets.
- Certified loose/fresh milk aggregation and retailing.
Innovative enterprises (Including social enterprises)
- Livestock linked agri-tourism initiatives.
- Aggregation and value addition to milk from ‘Khutis’ and other traditional systems.
- Cow / buffalo colostrum-based enterprises.
- Bio-secured animal-based operations for supply of inputs to units producing biologicals.
- Organic manure or power plant using cow dung/poultry manure.

Swamp Buffalo Khuti ( Farming in riverine and forest areas of Assam ) Photo Source: Dr Mahendra Bharali
Private educational institutes.
- Private Veterinary college
- Private Dairy Technology College
- Private Veterinary Para-professionals training institute.